Are you also an student who spend a lot of hours every week working on your laptop
Then it is not strange when you have some tension in your neck and shoulders.

Make fast an appointment for your muscles for some threatment to feel better!

Student Massage

A student massage is a short sportsmassage of 30 minutes to get the muscles more lose. Centainly when you are visiting hours the classroom with your laptop or books! Then it is no luxury to take place on the massage table to get relaxed muscles again.

Sometime our muscles need some physical attention, also young people to feel better again! Also when you had a injury, i advice you to get a massage. By a sportsmassage the  muscle tissue stimulated and the recovery will be more fast. This massage is focussed on the muscle tissue!


In my massage company I use for the sportsmassage oil of Sportsbalm.

A sportsmassage can be very preventive and take car of the muscle so the feel optimal. So prevent an injury.

By making regular an appointment for a massage, the following positive effects can be realised:

- relaxing of your body and spirit
- reducing of pain
- better recovery of tendons, musccles and attachments after an overload
- a better blood flow of the tissue (=muscles)
- preventing of injuries

Wat kost een Studenten massage?
Klik dan even op de pagina tarieven voor de prijzen van de massages.

Behandeling:   Bij een studenten massage behandel ik de rug/nek/schouders zone
Tijdsduur: Een studenten massage duurt ongeveeer 30 minuten

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